Best in English Test – An International online competition for students to measure their skills in English

A escola num concurso internacional de Inglês

Neste ano letivo, por proposta da coordenadora de Inglês, o grupo prontamente decidiu embarcar na aventura de um concurso internacional em que participaram nada mais nada menos do que 22 mil e 800 alunos, de 34 países do mundo. O teste online exigia rapidez e a escolha múltipla tinha um elevado grau de dificuldade.

É com muito gosto que informamos que duas das nossas alunas ficaram no top 10 mundial (nos 10% melhores) e no top 20 nacional. A pontuação máxima foi de 110.5 e as nossas três melhores alunas obtiveram 95.5, 93.5 e 89.5.

Estamos mesmo muito orgulhosos dos resultados conseguidos!

Aqui ficam alguns testemunhos da experiência (escritos em Inglês por participantes).

About the Best in English Test

I would like to thank the teachers who were present and gave us the support we needed. I would also like to say a special “Thank you” to the IT teacher Sara Luzio for being there to give us help whenever we had problems with our electronic gadgets or with our Internet connection.

The test itself was accessible, some vocabulary was unknown to me but most of it was easy to understand. In my opinion, the extra minutes that were put for each section were a little unnecessary because we already had a good amount of time (60 mins) to do the whole test/exam and only that time would count (if we did it in 60 mins or not) since we would get penalized for using the extra time.

Overall, I think it was a good experience and I wouldn’t mind doing it again next year.

Lara Garcia, 11.ºG

Best in English test

On the 30th November some students in our school took a test to measure our level of English, whilst competing for a prize.

When my English teacher invited me to participate, I got really excited! The highest score would be rewarded with the possibility of spending two weeks in Canada and, I can say, this has been my dream for a long time. The culture of Canada has always fascinated me!

However, the more I heard about the project, the less hopeful I got to getting anywhere near winning, to be completely honest. At first there wasn’t enough information and there were lots of students from many countries doing it. Moreover, I could be going against people who had studied English for a long time, people who came from English-speaking countries or people who spoke English in their daily lives.

I studied, anyway, and I consider it was a huge opportunity, so I’m grateful for being given the possibility to make part of the many people who were doing the test.

I enjoyed the moment apart from all the anxiety! Now I’m familiar with the structure of international tests, and I’ll be ready for the next chance I get.

Sofia Moreira, 11.ºB